wull, I Mulled'Ovah yer question... clearly Moldova (Mauled Ovuh?) is one dumpster fire from Hell (ah, that viddeyo wuz sumthin') but.... Estonia? It's all told one big SMART CITY an' even the president calls it "Little Sister" (they spy on their citizens LOTS, they have digital ID, but Big Brother is "benevolent"...an' that's OK until ye gitta not so benevolent leader in place)...
They also track citizens by the chips in their smartphones--EVERYTHING is SMART there... "velly schmart Max"--imho that means Kaos! is simply BEHIND the wall/paywall/in yer schmart light (bugs!)....
My answer? neither... (plus who speaks Estonian?) but I'll argue that the while MoldOver is soitenly showin' it's ugly inside on the outside (the perils of communism...), Estonia ain't no picnic (tho' likely those that say "they have nothing to hide" work for the gubbamint there).
OH many/most chobs online.
Methninks this litte "burg" (a country the size of New Hampshire) works too as it's small an' has a mostly homogeneous population... folks culturally, ethnically, an' otherwayz alike--even if we scratch out the last X no. of years in "AmeriKa" with the MyGrunts, we have a far more varied nation--urban/rural/suburban/ ethnically & religiously mixed.... our can of worms that would mean "botch-u-lizz'em" in the USA.
I lean libertarian myself but a technocracy? nah...
Daisy, as always, thanks for reading and the thoughtful comment! I completely agree with your, ahem, technoskeptical attitude. That's why I didn't get into the "E-stonia" aspect of the country, and focused my research on qualitative and quantitative indicators of governance, rather than on specific cultural attitudes towards technology/surveillance, etc. I'm not proposing that Estonia is a model for all nations to emulate, simply that, all else being equal, it demonstrates that a more libertarian/capitalist approach supports well-being better than an authoritarian/socialist one.
Shucks 'n thanks an' U-BET re the last statement--er I should say "Fox's U Bet!" right? (If you've never had a "Fox's U Bet" Egg cream--the Fox's syrup's the chocolate part--gotta add the seltzer & milk! Ideally poured by an altercocker waiter STANDING on a CHAIR with perfect aim--then there's no better a'time! (sadly Sammy's Roumanian CLOSED durin' the plandemic--they made the BEST Egg Creams thatta way!)
Now more ta the pernt: mentioned the Eeee part as I'm guessin' some'a yer readers tho' may not have been aware of "E-Stonia" which is imho velly dystopian--an' indeed yer handle "technoskeptical" is poifect fer takin' a hard look at such places! ('specially at a time where many are gettin' waay too invasive so sadly no more kin I blithely sing... "I'll Take Manhattan"... & robo dawgs, cameras EVERWHERE & 4000 new 5g towers on the way--e-gads!)
wull, I Mulled'Ovah yer question... clearly Moldova (Mauled Ovuh?) is one dumpster fire from Hell (ah, that viddeyo wuz sumthin') but.... Estonia? It's all told one big SMART CITY an' even the president calls it "Little Sister" (they spy on their citizens LOTS, they have digital ID, but Big Brother is "benevolent"...an' that's OK until ye gitta not so benevolent leader in place)...
They also track citizens by the chips in their smartphones--EVERYTHING is SMART there... "velly schmart Max"--imho that means Kaos! is simply BEHIND the wall/paywall/in yer schmart light (bugs!)....
My answer? neither... (plus who speaks Estonian?) but I'll argue that the while MoldOver is soitenly showin' it's ugly inside on the outside (the perils of communism...), Estonia ain't no picnic (tho' likely those that say "they have nothing to hide" work for the gubbamint there).
OH many/most chobs online.
Methninks this litte "burg" (a country the size of New Hampshire) works too as it's small an' has a mostly homogeneous population... folks culturally, ethnically, an' otherwayz alike--even if we scratch out the last X no. of years in "AmeriKa" with the MyGrunts, we have a far more varied nation--urban/rural/suburban/ ethnically & religiously mixed.... our can of worms that would mean "botch-u-lizz'em" in the USA.
I lean libertarian myself but a technocracy? nah...
Daisy, as always, thanks for reading and the thoughtful comment! I completely agree with your, ahem, technoskeptical attitude. That's why I didn't get into the "E-stonia" aspect of the country, and focused my research on qualitative and quantitative indicators of governance, rather than on specific cultural attitudes towards technology/surveillance, etc. I'm not proposing that Estonia is a model for all nations to emulate, simply that, all else being equal, it demonstrates that a more libertarian/capitalist approach supports well-being better than an authoritarian/socialist one.
Shucks 'n thanks an' U-BET re the last statement--er I should say "Fox's U Bet!" right? (If you've never had a "Fox's U Bet" Egg cream--the Fox's syrup's the chocolate part--gotta add the seltzer & milk! Ideally poured by an altercocker waiter STANDING on a CHAIR with perfect aim--then there's no better a'time! (sadly Sammy's Roumanian CLOSED durin' the plandemic--they made the BEST Egg Creams thatta way!)
Now more ta the pernt: mentioned the Eeee part as I'm guessin' some'a yer readers tho' may not have been aware of "E-Stonia" which is imho velly dystopian--an' indeed yer handle "technoskeptical" is poifect fer takin' a hard look at such places! ('specially at a time where many are gettin' waay too invasive so sadly no more kin I blithely sing... "I'll Take Manhattan"... & robo dawgs, cameras EVERWHERE & 4000 new 5g towers on the way--e-gads!)