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couldn't agree more as a classy-cull ahrt fan embracin' both hi an' low (lois too..)

only thing I cain't stand is (f)ahrt--the sorry peecee but lousy stuff the WhitKnee sticks in it's embarrassin' Bea-an'-Ollie white-wall-tired joke've a show now'days

near n' dear ta me are velvet paint by numbers an' thrift store porte-ritz (!)

An' tho Dabbler DubbaYa's (f)ahrt lands a bit low in the barrel, I will say that other celebs give me a grin bigger n' a jack-o-lantern--Fer example, a doozy from the GREAT Tony Bennett:

https://tinyurl.com/kfnz377v (Mickey we hardly knew ya!!!!)

I hate AI in all forms (I cut it no slack like some'a my pals even). (So the cheeze stands alone!)

FWIW,my younger daughter who iz a classy(cal) ahrtiste (purdy good too!), agrees with ya on Mista Ross--he makes it look easy but fer a young'un it ain't easy at all!

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