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Thanks, Phil! It's an encouraging development, for sure.

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Fully agreed! Landsakes, I didn't know 'bout the new/positive trend, that's great nooz! (My 2 have been outliers fer quite a stretch--they SHARE a flip phone, have no social ME (me me me)-dia, an' we all keep phones OFF by default!) Readin' books, more time fer music practice, art...all the way it should be! The only trend sorely missin' is gettin' these young'uns to use a landline and yak proper without any G's (3g, 4g, or--horrors--4g) 'cept the occasional oh gees! Plus there IS somethin' to bein' tethered to a real solid phone--sayin' put to concentrate on what yer friend is sayin'. Now'daze, there's some kinda stigma 'bout calling (vs texting) a friend--as if it's "intrusive" ta call so I'm told. (some hot slab o' junk propaganda that). Old fashioned talkin' on a landline was the NEXT best thing to seein' folks in person so may it return as kids realize low tech or no tech beats high tech hands down!

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