Nice post. The Morgan family (J.P. Morgan) and the Hamiltons were intimately connected: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_family , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton_family

Interesting how the same families pursue the same interests on behalf of the same central bank owners throughout the generations...

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Alex Fox

In addition to a link of government oppression the story of Wigle and his aftermath at the same rebellion is an example of government corruption (favoritism)....it's worth a look if for no other reason than a human interest story.

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Great bit of history. As Washington chased the distillers out western PA, many took up residence in areas outside the federal jurisdiction in Kentucky and Tennessee. Hence, the reason why all the older bourbon distilleries are in the “south”.

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Wowee, behind in my readin' but so glad to ketch-up with this piece right up my alley an' just in time for for post-4th cogitatin'!

I'm so glad ya spoke up 'bout Hamilton (such a favor he did-us-not, a bit of a schtunk if ya asked me, tho' he did like opera--vs Jefferson, the one I'd a voted fer the patriot boxin' match any day. Couldn't bear ta see the musi-cull (culled out all the music I like an' left in...mostly...the kind I don't!) but from all I heard, after Ham-o'tin's long shelf-life via the Broadway grocery store've offerin's---both Ham'o-tin-the-show and Hamilton the MAN are cancelled. (Revisionism flattens it all! prior to full erasure....)

From all I read, the new-think is that the Bway version didn't reckon 'bout Hamilton havin' owned slaves an' bein' a white supremacist in spite'a bein' an abolitionist--oh an Miranda wuz too white 'er sumthin' bein' Hispanic an' shamelessly givin' himself the lead role... ok, just don't try ta "overthink" it. Just know they'ze all CANCELLED--whoopee! (Some say Burr is havin' I come back--no?!) Oh, Ha!-Milton also got canceled by ass-o-she-aye-shun cuz he married a Schuyler (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/25/arts/design/philip-schuyler-statue-removed.html ) an' now Schuyer's a doity woid in NY State (bein' erased faster than HunterB kin snort a line'a white rock at the white house!)

The mass-meee-DIA hist'ry lesson is the bunk (sadly, many AmeriKans believe all they see in moo-sicles). 1776 is far far better fwiw....

Anywho, as ya said it the show tells only HALF the story (mebbe now a third?) But we're also fergettin' the most important Hamilton--Hamilton Beach!, whose "Party Percolator" was celebrated by home cawfee makers all over America, an invention for "any party" worth salutin'!

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oh yeah, the wokes-turds read the poor actor his Miranda rights (ha!)--show's now in hot water in thee-ate-'er land, at least now (thx ta akka-deem-ee-ah informin' 'em all). In theory that which gits the young'uns excited over hist'ry is a good thing! In THEORY. But in practice, knowin' what went down with many've them skool kids that got ta see the show fer free wuz a nuther tale entirely. Sure, the kidz knew the songs a bit (like some've us sang, She's Gotta Tick in her Eye!), but most've 'em got no clue WHO these men were or WHAT they did fer the country, nor did the clueless teach-urds help much! Tho' I didn't see the show, I took many many homeschoolers ta thee-ate-'er shows (many with an historical angle) an' what we sawr from them skool kids wuz right skeery (badly behaved, teachers talkin' to 'em like they wuz meter maids 'bout ta nail 'em all fer double parkin.'..)--eye openin' stuff how low the public skools got. Also, given that in gubbamint skools they're bein' told the country is a shameful sham an' that these dudes were baddies--I see little actual his'try learnt. I'd like ta be wrong tho!

I think some of the better historical graphic novels that teach his'try with images an' thought bubbles fare a mite better... That said--I'll give a nod ta Miranda fer tryin'! (I like the one song that's not a rap!)

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