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The core of that Apple sure is rotten. Golly, missed this 'un, I had no idear that such a dystopian hellish "spot" (blight?) in the whirled of advertisin' made such a regrettable appearance, but it sure is heartenin' ta know folks HATED IT so much the Come-PanYe had to apologize! Score a "pernt" fer humanity!

As we speak (finally!) there is some hope--some kool-kids are exchangin' smart (dumb) phones for real music & conversation -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN2zIoImDN0 (My 2 never had 'em--to this day they share one flip phone--but I'm stubborn!)

I just discovered that Sir Elton (arguably a "once" creative ball'o'fire) wanted ta burn down the internet! Literally asked that it be shut down for a good 5 years. One quote: “[It’s] stopped people from going out and being with each other, creating stuff … In the early seventies there were at least ten albums released every week that were fantastic. Now you’re lucky to find ten albums a year of that quality.” We hate to admit it (what with our being a Website and all), but he may have a point — maybe the Internet really has ruined music!" Go Sir Elton! (I'm act'chully not fer the full shut down've the innertubes--I'd be sore if we all lost substack!) But still... he too said the quiet part out loud

Finally this calls ta mind the tee-riffic an' always hilarious (however woke) Fran Lebowitz who stated recently, "So, I’m not surprised that people my age are addicted to these iPhones and stuff because they’re actually formulated to be addictive. So it’s not surprising to me, anyone can be addicted to anything. You know, all kinds of substances are addictive, and anyone could fall prey to that addiction no matter what age you are when you try it. So I’m not at all surprised. Of course it’s much different, you know, for someone who is old to be addicted to these — because, they do remember, if you remind them, a world before these devices. "

Yup, we DO remember (even those of us not quite so "senior"as Fran.) Avoid the cult, avoid the "addiction" -- an' hope ta read as much as Fran does!

I love Fran who owns only a landline phone, not even a typewriter, an' is as ornery as the waiters at Ratners (if ya ever had the "privilege"--ornery is bein' generous...)

I remain hopeful that this iz a GOOD SIGN -- folks are slowly startin' ta see it. I heard the palm scanners at Whole Paycheck didn't go over well either (hooray). Now if that apple would only FALL from the money tree....

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