Excellent discussion of the power and purpose of representation. And I find Mr. Jolly’s explanation of only trying to “represent “ diversity and bring people together highly disingenuous and insulting.

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Jul 29Liked by Alex Fox

He’s a pig and most people are not freaks

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How did this, in any way, represent France? France has a thousand points of beauty, from the Louvre to the Eiffel Tower, to the Arc De' Triumph. to the Notre Dame Cathedral. It has a thousand years of history, from the Lascaux cave paintings to the revolution, to Normandy and the Maqui freedom fighters in WWII. French, for hundreds of years, was the language of diplomacy, and French poets and novelists often ranked first in the written word.

If anything, this should have been an insult to France. It should have never been.

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Jul 30Liked by Alex Fox

It is a 2 dimensional pipe

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Jul 30Liked by Alex Fox


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Jul 30Liked by Alex Fox

It seems that we are headed toward the Theater of the Grand Guignol, or the horror, gore and licentiousness of public spectacle. While it is entirely French to put on these spectacles, in the past, it was a choice to attend the theater and view the representations. Considering success of a set of plays (one bloody, one morally bankrupt), was rated by the number of people who fainted during a performance, is it surprising that France was the country who decided that the world would benefit from global exposure to THAT?

I think not…

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Just listened to the French Revolution at the podcast Rest is history.

That makes this doubly evil.

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You have to care about the event for this to have any power over you. For me, it doesn't. What the olympics was SUPPOSED to represent died in the early 90's when I was finally old enough and realized what a giant propaganda event it was. It was founded as worship of the greek pantheon. Why is anyone surprised at this? We already know the elites running this world are depraved pagans with hearts overflowing with evil. This spectacle is nothing less than an expression of the true masters of this world, their view of our past and what they want in the future. Ignore it and they have no power over you. There is nothing good within anymore.

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That's an interesting perspective on the Olympics. I don't think that a nod to the ancient Greek tradition of athleticism makes it a "worship of the Greek pantheon." If anything, I think the elites you refer to would be more interested in subverting the Olympics. For one thing, it is a purely meritocratic competition, which runs counter to the "nobody is better than anyone else" (AKA "the tall grass gets mowed") attitude of leftism. Moreover, the event promotes personal fitness, excellence, individual achievement, good sportsmanship, and international harmony - all of which are antithetical to the interests of those who profit from an unhealthy, mediocre, servile, belligerent, and fractious population.

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The roots are still there. The old gods never went away, they just rebranded and western civ thinks denying it is the same as eliminating them.

I guess I just don't have as charitable a belief in the Olympics as a meritocracy anymore. With the amount of doping, gender games and other political shenanigans surrounding athletes that's been going on since the modern pagentry of the event was developed by Germany in 1936, it overwhelms any chance of an honest competition anymore. (Most of the big ceremonial traditions can be traced back to them on this.... thanks PBS.) Heck, I remember the BS during the cold war and the Miracle on Ice. It was war through less violent means and the judges were always suspect.

Meritocracy in sport is not antithetical to the left, because inside that political structure is the oligarchy of the elite. The neo-feudalist elites who want the finest things for themselves, and garbage for the rest of the serfs. It's the insider game of the big club that we're not a part of. (according to George Carlin who I think is right on this one.) They use this as the bread and circus for the masses to keep their wageslaves pacified with the opiate of entertainment. Then again, I don't believe there is a single un-rigged professional sporting event in existence anymore. This is where the elites fail because they want managed narratives.

I only wish the olympics could be what they pretend to be. Seriously. But that innocence is long dead in my soul.

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Aug 1Liked by Alex Fox

The globalists love the devil

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Aug 2Liked by Alex Fox

Sick people

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100% there! (I'd say well done done or as they say in France, Bien Cuit!)

La France used ta represent beauty--the art, the architecture, the poetry, opera, musique - Debussy!--an' them bein' a site of TRUE world gastronomie (as they say, miam miam!) where pride was taken in each an' every exquisite morsel that met Sèvres Porcelain -- this obscene mockery of beauty as the height of ugliness -- is abso-rootin'-tootly the intended rotten-dark cabalistic inverse / opposite of all that is lovely, good, an' easy on the palate!

So indeed, the projection of the way they wanna be represented was only realized by the regrettaBULL visions of one petty pawn named Thomas Jolly--many far above him (as ya know) are givin' him is marchin' (nay prancin'?) orders... Deluded folks are blamin' him for all the ills an' spills splayed out before us but this Must-MISS-representation goes far deeper than one misguided theater major.

They are killin' a nation of course-- an' most ironically, all is EXACTLY what it seems to be, shoved in our faces with a lotta "Sauce Bernays" (misspellin' intentional!)

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Have you noticed how much the heart hand symbol has been used lately? It is so ubiquitous that it must have a darker meaning.

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Are you referring to the symbol of a red hand with a heart on the palm? It celebrates the bare-handed murder and dismemberment of two Jews who accidentally entered Palestinian Authority territory in 2000.

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